The SEFO Triennial of Central European Contemporary Art 2024

Olomouc Museum of Art
27.6. – 29.12.2024

The Triennial of Central European Contemporary Art is the result of the Olomouc Museum of Art´s long-term efforts to cover the geographically, culturally and meaningfully volatile Central European space. It is a part of the Central European Forum Olomouc (SEFO) programme and complements the spectrum of activities that, in addition to modern and contemporary progressive forms of visual art, also reflect its other forms, general socio-historical and political context. The Triennial is thematic, community-oriented and partnership-based. Local and international institutions are involved in its preparation, it focuses on the local context and public space. It includes a complex of exhibitions, artistic interventions in expositions and urban spaces, lectures, discussions, educational and artistic workshops.

It is on this ground, between the general, complex and abstract on the one hand, and the concrete, particular and real on the other, that READER also moves, bringing together essays and reflections by prominent figures in contemporary discourse. Among others, these include Iaroslava Boubnova, Octavian Esanu, Tomáš Glanc, Monika Mitášová, Vera Mlechevska, Alva Noë, Jorge Otero-Pailos, Andreas Weber and Mechtilde Wiedrich. Also included are artistic projects by Ádam Albert, Nikolaus Gansterer, Ilona Nemeth and Tobias Putrih.

Barbora Kundračíková (ed.), READER: Moments of the Universe. SEFO Triennial 2024. Olomouc Museum of Art, Olomouc 2024.

Publikace vyjde na podzim 2024

Publikace je financována z prostředků Programu na podporu aplikovaného výzkumu v oblasti národní a kulturní identity na léta 2023 až 2030 (NAKI III) Ministerstva kultury ČR v rámci projektu „Olomouc ve 3D – nová dimenze kulturního dědictví města: minulost, přítomnost, budoucnost“ (DH23P03OVV018).

The publication is funded by the Programme for the Support of Applied Research in the Field of National and Cultural Identity for the Years 2023-2030 (NAKI III) of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic within the project “Olomouc in 3D – a new dimension of the cultural heritage of the city: past, present, future” (DH23P03OVV018).